Jesus' Most Outrageous Sayings (2005)
"Before Abraham was I AM" (John 8:58)
Lon Solomon
"My Words Will Never Pass Away" (Matthew 24:35)
Lon Solomon
"My Blood Shed for the Remission of Sin" (Matthew 26:28)
Lon Solomon
"No One Comes to The Father Except Through Me" (John 14:6)
Lon Solomon
"Unless You Eat My Flesh & Drink My Blood" (John 6:53)
Lon Solomon
"They Shall Never Perish" (John 10:27-28)
Lon Solomon
"The Fields Are Already White Unto Harvest" (John 4:35)
Lon Solomon
"Ask and It Will Be Given To You" (Matthew 7:7)
Lon Solomon
"Not Peace, But A Sword" (Matthew 10:34)
Lon Solomon
"Can Any of You Prove Me Guilty of Sin?" (John 8:46)
Lon Solomon
"You Are of Your Father, The Devil" (John 8:44)
Lon Solomon
"They Will See the Son of Man Coming on the Clouds of the Sky" (Matthew 24:30)
Lon Solomon